Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oldie but Goodie...AOS Essentials Test

Pulled out an oldie but goodie today...AOS Essentials Test

1 TGU to standing, right
30 sec high pull/snatch, right
30 sec clean, right
30 sec squat, right (rack)
30 sec press, right
30 sec swing, right
30 sec figure 8 and end on left

repeat all on the left to the TGU to the floor. Nice flow, 6 minutes of fun! Think I might unleash this one on the girls in the AM!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Express Classes Added

I've added a new express class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9am to 9:30am. We're in our second week and we have a nice following so far. I think people are liking the 1/2 hour, but don't be's jam packed with swings, get-ups, squats. I'm waiting on my TRX door mount and I'll be adding that in as well. Thanks to every one that's been coming....

About Me

My photo
I am a 41 year old mother of four who is AFTA and Art of Strength (AOS) certified in kettlebell training. I began using Kettlebells in 2004, a year following the birth of my triplets. Once I picked up a "bell" I never looked back. I trained with Anthony Dilugio of Punch Gym in Providence, RI and attended his Art of Strength Essentials Course in the summer of 2007. This past April, I took my Kettlebell experience to a new level and attended a three day "Russian Kettlebell Challenge" in Minneapolis, MN. I met and trained with Pavel Tsatsouline and his army of Master and Senior RKCs. I achieved milestones such as 54 snatches with a 16kg bell and various gruelling workouts put together by the likes of Brad Nelson, Andrea DuKane and Doug Nepodal to name a few. I currently train clients at Gold's Gym in Ashland, MA. My goal is to get people to realize the power of Kettlebells and to change the way they look at "working out" forever.